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  • Blue ingot fruit deep processing production line
Blue ingot fruit deep processing production line

Blue ingot fruit deep processing production line

According to the new technology, the production line can select the equipment model with high cost performance, which can produce various products such as concentrated juice, powder, jam, and dried blue fruit.

According to the new technology, the production line can select the equipment model with high cost performance, which can produce various products such as concentrated juice, powder, jam, and dried blue fruit.
Blue Ingot fruit pulp jam equipment production line processing new processing technology, no artificial addition of essence/color/preservative jam products, you can see the fruit pulp, taste different taste, experience different taste of fruit pulp and fruit pulp.
Blue ingot fruit fruit jam equipment production line - processing technology characteristics
Blueberry jam is rich in real blueberry pulp and fruit, rich taste; The jam is sweet and sour, purplish red and sticky, with a unique aroma of blueberry. By adjusting the sweet and sour taste and color, and at the same time by adding an appropriate proportion of pectin to achieve the consistency of jam, only using the thickening effect of pectin,

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